primary blob


Honeypots, often termed as sensors, are typically noisy and not tailored for your needs. Our goal is to offer user-friendly, fully customizable honeypots that seamlessly align with your external footprint.

warning blob

Threat Intelligence

We prioritize enhancing your experience through data analytics, helping you filter honeypot noise and swiftly detect new threats or mass exploitations.

Our approach combines an extensive honeynetwork with hands-on threat research and open-source intelligence.

success blob

Dev Friendly APIs

"Unlock the power of seamless integration with our user-friendly APIs. Designed with you in mind, our APIs empower you to tap into the platform's full potential, ensuring optimal outcomes tailored to your needs.

Our Mission

To Protect from Threats

Transform your threat intel with our customizable honeypot solutions. We empower researchers and businesses to craft personalized threat intel feeds. Gain unparalleled insights into malicious IPs and detailed threat profiles with our platform and APIs. Dive into the world of honeypot-powered threat intelligence today! - IP lookup and search functionality - detailed logs - related urls found - new IPs Honeypot server

Customize your Honeypots

Tailor honeypots to your specific needs with Zerodark's platform. Easily draw attackers to the applications that matter most to you. Benefit from our pre-built templates, ensuring rapid and effective honeypot deployment. Transform your static application into intelligence hubs, much like this website! - IP lookup and search functionality - Malicious URL lookup functionality

On-Demand Lookups

For when you want to investigate a threat

Instantly automate your actions with our powerful lookup tools! Search IPs, domains, paths, and URLs effortlessly, either through our user-friendly web interface or directly via our APIs.

Easy to Use APIs

Python Code Example
import requests

headers = {
    "x-zd-api" : "9301b8bce5b646aee487d2d1424d0f07ce",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

url = ""
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers, timeout=5)

Response 200
 "status": "Success",
 "domain": "",                                      
 "result": {
        "data": {
        "related_domains_found": ",,",
        "domain": ""
        "malicious": false,
        "tags": ""

Save Time & Money

Creating your Threat intel feeds allow you to focus on the technologies and applications you use. Allowing you to proritize you your efforts on what threats matter and actively happening.

Enrichment & Collection

Upon recieving logs The Platform processes them using a combination of traditional analysis and AI to review and classify them quickly. Any previously unseen IPs or URLs found within logs are probed and analysed to help you discover threats.

Quick Honeypot Deployment

Leverage our templates and streamlined container system to swiftly set up honeypots, mirroring the targets of recent vulnerabilities.

Amplify Your Honeypots

One platform for every problem

Explore how Zerodark's platform and tailored honeypots can elevate your security programs.

Focused Threat Intelligence

zerodark - personalized threat intel feed

Identify Threats

Gain visibility into the actual threats targeting you.

Mass Exploitation Awareness

zerodark - zeroday awareness

Exploits on Mass

Spot large-scale vulnerability exploitation, including zerodays, attempts with details.

Customized Defense Strategy

zerodark - Mimic your footprint with customizable honeypots

Mimic your footprint

Tailor honeypots to mimic your infrastructure to gain an advantage.

Intelligence-Driven Threat Hunting

zerodark - Intelligence-Driven Threat Hunting

Hunt Threats

Real-time threat detailed intel, allowing proactive hunting.

Proactive Detection

zerodark - be proactive in threat detection

Detect in Real Time

Detect threats in real-time, enabling you to take swift actions.

Incident Response

zerodark - Increase Incident investigation speed

Rapid IR

Critical insights into the attack vectors and tactics employed against you.

Data-Driven Risk Management

zerodark - data data-driven approach

Proritze Vulnerabilities

Classify vulnerabilities based on the real potential risk & impact.

Identify Compromised Credentials

zerodark - identify credential spraying

Halt Cred Spraying

Simulate login portals, capture breached credentials, and initiate automatic rotations via API.

Open Source

We believe in the power of community collaboration and open-source software. That's why we've made our honeypots open source and available on GitHub. From seasoned security reseachers, or security engineers to the curious enthusiasts, everyone can review the code before deployment, contribute, and benefit from our honeypots.

Ready to build your own threat intel feed?

You can start building your our threat intel feeds, enriched with our feed in a instant. Deploy a customized honeypot with ease today for free. You also have 30 days to request a refund if you're not happy with your purchase.



  • Deploy Honeypots with ease
  • Customizable Honeypots
  • 7 Days Logging
  • Enrich with our Threat Intel Feed
Register Now!


$30 month

  • Everything in Community
  • + Create 5 More Honeypots
  • + Access to More Templates
  • + Gain Limited API Access
Buy Now!

Small Business or Enterprise?

Contact us if you a business or an enterprise that is interested, we provide private dedicated instances with unlimited sensors and full API access.

Contact us Now!